Honest Motor History
Our story began in 2007,back then the Director of Honest Motor was a seller of motorcycle factory only selling products to some cities in China and some African countries, which the base was located in Chongqing ,China.

Today,we’re founded after gathering the experience and trust with over 29 countries motorcycle buyers’ cooperation(until 2019).

Our Qualification

We have our own factory equipped with warehouse,assembly line,Packing line,test line,we can produce 150-300 motorcycles everyday in here,we also have professional and honest technicians.

Our Value

We have cooperated with hundreds of clients in the past 10 years,they are really different in many aspects,but they are same in one thing ,that is all of them love to work with people who is Reliable,Honest,because this stands for the quality of the products and the service.so we named our company “ Honest Motor”,to remind the employees the importance of Honesty .

Our Mission

Make our clients to feel the benefits of the well-qualified products and first line technical support  

Make our every employee to feel proud of being a “Honest Motor Man”

As export director,i always believe that the professional skills can be learned during the working ,but the Honesty is the Human nature which can not be learned.


                                                                          By  Joe Hsiung                 


  • Year 2003-2007

  • Year 2007-2009

  • Year 2010-2011

  • Year 2011-2014

  • Year 2014-2018

  • Year 2019-Rest time of my Life

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  • HN110-5B
  • HN250-10G
  • HN110-7
  • HN150-40